In the diagram, a thick blue arrow stands for page transition, a black arrow stands for card invocation, and an orange dotted arrow stands for field reference. 在图中,蓝色的宽箭头表示页面转换,黑色箭头表示卡片调用,而桔红色虚线箭头则表示字段引用。
Also, the system depends on the responder discovering the blue emergency card in your wallet or on your bag, the sticker you've placed on the back of your license, or the phone-screen saver. 此外,该体系也取决于急救员是否能发现放在你钱包或手提包中的蓝色急救卡、贴在驾照背面的贴纸或是手机屏保。
On our table in the garden we put a blue card, and all around this blue card we put a number of different gray cards. 我们把一张蓝色的卡片放到花园里的桌子上,再在这张蓝色卡片的周围放上若干张不同的灰色卡片。
But industry executives complain that securing a blue card can take six months or longer. 但业内高管抱怨道,要想拿到一张蓝卡,可能需要等待6个月,甚至更长时间。
She wore a pink short-sleeved T shirt, blue buckle kilt, wearing a red card issuers, feet wearing white boots, very beautiful. 她穿着短袖粉色T恤,蓝色带扣短裙,头戴红色发卡,脚上穿着白色的靴子,很漂亮。
So, my mother on and go with the blue house-a Monopoly card and gift shops. 于是,我就和妈妈一起去了蓝房子&一家专卖贺卡和礼物的商店。
Mum, look at the little blue plane on my card. 妈妈,看我的卡片上的蓝色小飞机。
The watch-glass, on the blue card has some syrup in it, all the others are empty. 蓝色卡片上的玻璃罩里放一点糖浆,其他卡片上的玻璃罩都空着。
At the same time, the European Union is considering a "blue card" programme designed to attract highly educated workers with a quickly attainable and renewable two-year visa. 与此同时,欧盟(europeanunion)正在考虑一个“蓝卡”(bluecard)项目,通过一个能够快速获得并可以续签的两年期签证来吸引受过高等教育的工人。
Take GC-06 blue tooth receive module, SD storage card and RS232 serial communication connection as data transmission connection. 以GC-06蓝牙接收模块、SD储存卡和RS232串行通讯接口为数据传输接口的蓝牙接收装置设计。
They will go straight to the blue card although there is no syrup there. 尽管那里已经没有了糖浆,蜜蜂还是径直飞向蓝色卡片。
Then after some hours. We take away the watch-glass of syrup which was on the blue card and put an empty one in its place. 几个小时之后,我们把蓝色卡片上有糖浆的玻璃罩拿走,换上一块空的玻璃罩。
Only members holding a blue card can enter this area. 只有持蓝卡的人员方可入内。
In this paper we study two mechanisms for buddy drivers to obtain startup status from others and communicate with each other under win2000/ XP. Moreover, an example integrated with blue-tooth wireless network card is discussed in detail. 本文研究了Win2000/XP环境下伙伴驱动之间相互获知启动状态并进行简单通信的两种机制,并结合一个蓝牙无线网卡的实例进行了讨论。
It analyzes the importance of VLAN partition by LAN, and the research priority is the design and implementation of VLAN and the design pattern of the computer rooms under the circumstances of VLAN and with multicast combining the advantages of blue card technology and cloning technology. 分析了局域网划分VLAN的意义,重点研究了VLAN的设计与实现,以及在VLAN环境下,利用多播技术,结合蓝卡和GHOST的优点,对机房进行维护的设计与实施方案。